The Youniverse

The Youniverse

Slovakia 15.7.2022 / 15:00 - 16:00
Drive stage

An energetic alternative blues-rock band with elements of funk and hip-hop with a dash of of electronica, folk and surf rock. The central duo consists of singer Tammy Nižňanská and guitarist Jerguš Oravec. Very loud and very danceable. The Youniverse is an energetic alternative electro-blues-rock band from Slovakia - although by the looks of them you would never expect that.

What you can expect is a lot of high-energy riff based music with elements of funk and hip-hop, as well as elements of folk, surf and tribal music, spiced up with ecstatic dance moves.

THE YOUNIVERSE sound like an unknown band you could hear in a Quentin Tarantino movie - wild, raw, sexy, barefoot, covered in glitter and very rock n 'roll.