We cannot find answers without questions. How important is it to ask, and what is the relationship between asking and freedom in today's world? With the philosopher Anna Hogenová, we pause on concepts as broad as truth in the sense of unconcealment, guilt or punishment. If we are a conversation with being, let us begin it. Consciously.
Anna Hogenová. It was Philosophy that found her, not the other way around. She grew up on stories that her grandmother told her, stories with hidden secrets that wanted to be revealed. That is where her desire for answers and more questions began. The Czech philosopher and phenomenologist Professor Anna Hogenová lectures at Charles University, Prague. She focuses on topics such as movement, truth as uncoveredness, body and corporality, and the philosophy of sport. She is a sought-after speaker, always willing to show a critical but kind mirror to society. She can inspire people to find the right questions along the path to their true selves.