Mariachi El Bronx

Mariachi El Bronx

USA 15.7.2016 / 20:15 - 21:15
Drive stage

Mexican mariachi served up by hard-core Californians.

You’d be forgiven for being a tad confused about a mariachi band without a single Mexican involved but then this isn’t pure mariachi but rather its rock-infused buddy.  Mariachi El Bronx is basically the alter ego of the famous Los Angeles hardcore group The Bronx who’ve been around since 2002.

Six years later The Bronx were invited onto television to play some acoustic sounds. “I’d rather have my balls trapped in a door than do something like that, so we decided to play something in mariachi style. We asked our friends to accompany us on trumpets, violins and traditional Mexican guitars, got ourselves sombreros, dressed up as ranchers and Mariachi El Bronx was born,” says singer Matt Caughtran explaining how it all got started.

The group has released three albums so far - simply titled according to the Roman numerals I, II and III.  All have received a great response from critics and audiences alike.