Dan Millman: Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit

Dan Millman: Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit

USA 21.7.2017 / 13:00 - 14:00
Vítkovice Gong stage

American author and lecturer in the field of personal development and formerly a successful sportsman.

He has written thirteen popular books in the area of spiritual development, of which the most famous is the semi-autobiographical novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior.

Millman won the Trampoline World Championships in 1964; he was a coach for the gymnastics team at the University of California, worked as a gymnastics instructor of at Stanford University and was assistant professor of physical education at Oberlin College.

Together with Anthony Robbins, Millman is linked to the human potential movement. He is frequently compared to Richard Bach or the naturalist Tom Brown. He provides his readers and listeners with simple yet functional secrets to success in both their private and professional lives – the art of living with one’s head in the clouds but with one’s feet firmly on the ground.